Press release: Project Analyzer v9 finds flaws in VB code
For Immediate Release
Date: December 4, 2008
Project Analyzer v9 finds flaws in VB code
Aivosto has released Project Analyzer v9, a programming utility that finds bugs in Visual Basic applications. 52 new code review rules examine VB code for programming flaws and omissions.Project Analyzer reads the source code of a Visual Basic program. It detects existing errors and potential future bugs. Project Analyzer locates unconditional decision statements, variable writes that do not execute, forgotten or almost unused code, and missing or overlapping Case branches. Project Analyzer verifies enumeration constants and warns where a number is used instead. Project Analyzer watches for risky syntax, such as hard-coded path names or octal numbers. It also catches hazardous variable choices and brittle declarations.
In addition to revealing existing bugs, Project Analyzer decreases the likelihood of writing new bugs. Project Analyzer recommends improvements such as safer declaration keywords. Numerous class design rules help enforce consistent programming style to insure applications against future mistakes.
Besides reviewing code, Project Analyzer also documents VB projects with source code print-outs, reports, diagrams and 180 software metrics.
US$299 to US$990.Free demo to download. Free code analysis service.
Supported operating systems:
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista.Supported languages:
Visual Basic versions 3 to 6.Visual Basic .NET and ASP.NET versions 2002 to 2008.
Office VBA.
Project Analyzer home page: Aivosto:
Aivosto Oy is an innovative producer of software development tools. Established in 1997 in Helsinki, Finland, Aivosto specializes in utilities for software documentation, optimization, quality assurance and productivity.
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Aivosto OyKylanvanhimmantie 16, 00640 Helsinki, Finland
Fax +358 9 728 99690
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