What's new at Aivosto.com

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March 2025

RegExpr v1.2 for VB & VBA

Updated regular expressions module for Visual Basic and Office VBA. Numerous improvements and fixes.

Fontitin v1.2 update

The updated Fontitin, which is a font and character viewer for Windows, now supports all characters of Unicode 16.0. See also the new Fontitin reports.

September 2024

New online order system

A new order system makes purchasing Aivosto software a breeze. Online orders are processed by FastSpring.

VB Friend discontinued

VB Friend has been discontinued as part of a normal product lifecycle. Originally released in 1999, VB Friend was an add-in for Visual Basic 6.0.

Finland VAT rate increase

Finland VAT rate has increased from 24% to 25.5%. This VAT rate applies primarily to offline purchases without VAT number in the EU area. Online purchases outside of Finland are not charged Finland VAT.

February 2024

Update to Visustin v8.08 to hide message "This Visustin is x years old"

Lately, a previous version of Visustin started showing a note about it being old. It's not an error but if you'd like to have a fresh version, just download the latest one and the message will disappear.

February 2023

Download Visustin v8.08 to fix "Demo has expired"

Message "Demo has expired" prevents use of Visustin v8.07 free demo starting February 1, 2023. Download this update to overcome the problem. Fix released on February 2.

January 2023

Visustin v8 Pro Premium available

Pro Premium extends a regular Visustin Pro Edition license with upgrade protection and activation guarantee. Buy now and forget about upgrade fees in your budget!

November 2022

Number list updated

Build a list of numbers! Besides regular decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal numbers, the page now supports more number systems than before. Unary (base-1), septenary (base-7), undecimal (base-11) and hexatrigesimal (base-36) numbers. BCD numbers. Bijective bases.

Website update

The code of the aivosto.com website was modernized and optimized. Supports dark mode and a wider range of devices, browsers and user preferences. Besides offering tools for code optimization, we do optimize our own code as well.

May 2022

Aivosto 25 years

The aivosto.com website opened in 1997. Check out the history of Aivosto.

August 2021

Three character set articles updated

Several updates, additions and fixes have been made to the following articles: 7-bit character sets, Codepages: Comprehensive list and DOS codepages (and their history).

February 2021

Project Analyzer v10.3 released

Project Analyzer v10.3 detects obsolete and redundant syntax in your Visual Basic and VBA code. Locate unwanted code that has been commented out. Supports Office 2019 VBA.

Obscure and obsolete VB syntax

Visual Basic 6.0 and Visual Basic for Applications support a great deal of questionable and not-so-useful legacy statements and keywords. This article looks into confusing VB statements and old-style syntax that is rare today.

August 2020

Visustin v8 with 90-day license

Visustin v8 Standard Edition is now available with a temporary license for 90 days. The offer was previously available for older v7 only.

January 2020

Visustin v8.07 bug fix available

Visustin v8.07 fixes a number of bugs primarily with C#, Java, RPG, VB.NET and web scripting languages.

September 2019

Fontitin v1.1 supports Unicode 12.1.0

Fontitin has been updated to v1.1. Improvements include support for all characters of Unicode 12.1.0. A problem that prevented the running of the previous demo download has been fixed.

Website compatible with HTML Help Viewer

The Aivosto.com website can be viewed from the help files of our programs again. A browser incompatibility with HTML Help Viewer has been fixed.

August 2019

Visustin v8.06 PDF fix

Visustin v8.06 fixes an error saving PDF flow charts. The error emerged after a faulty Windows update in August 2019.

Project Analyzer 25 years — v10.2.07 fixes PDF bug

Project Analyzer is now 25 years of age. Version 10.2.07 fixes a bug that prevented the creation of PDF reports. The bug was due to a faulty Windows update in August 2019.

May 2019

Visustin web page translated to Russian and Chinese

You can now read about Visustin in Russian, Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese.

Character set articles updated

Articles on the history and present of character sets and codepages have been amended, updated and fixed.

February 2019

Website SSL secured

The Aivosto.com website has moved to https for more secure browsing. From now on, you will see https://www.aivosto.com/ in the address bar.

September 2018

Aivosto.com website redesigned

The entire Aivosto website has been redesigned for a modern look and proper support for mobile devices. Website contents remain mainly the same, but the look is different. Existing links continue to work. Free VB code analysis service and RSS feed have been closed. VB columns and link collection were removed as outdated content. Technically, the site was updated from HTML 4 to HTML 5. A drop-down menu was added. HTML markup and CSS take advantage of modern web browser features.

April 2018

Educational Visustin available for students at all schools

Students, faculty and staff at all educational institutions can now acquire a discounted educational license for Visustin. Previous limitations on the type of school have been lifted.

February 2018

Visustin 15 years

A revolution in the world of flowcharting occurred in February 2003, 15 years ago. Aivosto released the first version of Visustin. Developers could see their source code in flow chart format. People who were called in to support, analyze and update undocumented, unstructured software suddenly saved enormous time by viewing their code graphically with Visustin. Today we continue to amaze our customers by converting their code to flow charts in an automated way.

January 2018

Eval for VB discontinued

Eval has been discontinued as part of a normal product lifecycle. Originally released in 1998, Eval was an expression evaluator module and math parser for Visual Basic.

July 2017

Project Analyzer v10.2.05 minor update

Project Analyzer has been updated to version 10.2.05. Improvements include fixes and support for conditional compilation arguments in Access projects. The update is free for users of Project Analyzer v10, and there is also a free update for the optional VBA Plug v3. Compatible up to Visual Basic 2013 and Office 2016.

May 2017

Aivosto 20 years

Aivosto Oy started to operate in May 1997. Read more about the history of Aivosto.

November 2016

Visustin v8: Language and compatibility update

New Visustin v8 creates flow charts from your source code in any of 49 programming languages. This update refreshes 21 programming languages and adds 6 new ones. New languages include AutoIt, GW-BASIC, PowerBASIC and RPG. Create tag charts of HTML and XML. Updated features include Word export, Visio export and Bulk flowcharting. Visustin v8 is compatible with Windows 10, Word 2016 and Visio 2016, and earlier.

Visustin 90-day licenses available

Save money! Get old Visustin v7 Standard Edition for 90 days. If you require our flow chart generator for a short time only, this offer is for you.

Order online with PayPal

You can now pay with PayPal again. PayPal payments were unavailable for a while due to a recent order system change.

August 2016

Order system changed

Aivosto's online order system has been moved from Kagi to BlueSnap. Purchase securely with your favorite payment option. New payment options include local bank transfer, Skrill and WebMoney.

January 2016

Project Analyzer v10.2.04: Analyze Office 2016 VBA

Project Analyzer has been updated for Office 2016. Analyze Office 2016 VBA projects with Project Analyzer and VBA Plug. Project Analyzer supports Windows 10 and, optionally, diagrams your code with Visio 2016.

VBA Plug price cut

VBA Plug is now 34% cheaper than before. Analyze your VBA documents at an affordable price. Support for Office 2016 and earlier is included.

November 2015

Fontitin released: Font and character viewer

Fontitin is a new font and character viewer utility for Windows. Explore fonts. Examine their character repertoire. Detect missing characters. Find new symbols on your PC. Pick the best font for your job. Look into character sets.

Eval in unsupported mode

Eval is now available on an unsupported basis only.

ActiveXplorer discontinued

ActiveXplorer is no longer available. The product was discontinued as part of a normal product lifecycle.

September 2015

Aivosto's fax line was closed due to little use.

August 2015

Free flowcharting service is back

Have your source code flowcharted. Our free service is back and running after a short break.

April 2015

Selected domain names became available for purchase.

February 2015

Project Analyzer 20 years

Time to celebrate 20 years of VB analysis! First released in February 1995, Project Analyzer has grown to a powerful pack of functions for Visual Basic developers.

January 2015

Visustin v7.10: Flow chart generator updated

Visustin has been updated to v7.10. This is a fix release. If you had problems with Perl or PL/SQL, or you saw "Overflow", be sure to grab the update. It is free to licensed users of Visustin v7.

September 2014

Commodore PETSCII character sets pdf

Commodore computers used innovative but peculiar character sets, totally different from other computers. Also known as PET ASCII or CBM ASCII, these character sets included graphics and oddly duplicated characters, some of which are not found in today's computer systems.

DOS codepages (and their history)

Article on MS-DOS character sets updated with more codepages. The article now includes some forgotten Arabic codepages for which no online documentation has existed.

Windows codepages (and their history)

Article on Windows codepages updated with history back to 1991.

Aivosto.com goes mobile friendly

Browse aivosto.com with your handset. The design of this web site was improved to support small mobile devices as well.

May 2014

Backup download service opened

Get your old programs back! Lost your old Aivosto programs and license information? Now you can get them back. Service supports most Aivosto programs released since 1995. We appreciate your continued trust in our software.

Studio Complete discontinuation complete

Studio Complete, a coding turbo add-in for Visual Studio 2002 and 2003, is no longer available. Discontinuation was completed as part of a normal product lifecycle. We thank all our customers who have chosen Studio Complete in the past.

VB Friend in unsupported mode

VB Friend is now available on an unsupported basis only.

February 2014

Project Analyzer v10.2 – VB2013 and reporting update

The new version adds support for Visual Basic 2013 code analysis. An extensive reporting update ensures better looking reports. Project Analyzer analyzes and documents programs written in all major versions of Visual Basic, including classic VB, VBA and VB.NET. It runs on Windows 8.1 or earlier. This update is free to licensed users of Project Analyzer v10.

Visustin v7.06 update released

Updated version creates optimized PDF flow chart files, even smaller than before. Compatible with Windows 8.1 and Visual Basic 2013. Free update to licensed users of v7.

January 2014

Regular expressions in Office for Mac

Use regular expressions with Office for Mac! RegExpr for VBA adds regular expressions to Excel and Word VBA. A platform independent solution, RegExpr works with both Office for Mac & Windows.

Visustin v7 supports Windows 8.1

Create flow-charts on Windows 8.1. Visustin v7 is compatible with Windows 8.1.

Project Analyzer v10.1 supports Windows 8.1

Analyze your source code on Windows 8.1. Project Analyzer v10.1 is compatible with Windows 8.1.

August 2013

Referral program for existing customers

Recommend a program and get a free upgrade for yourself. Visustin or Project Analyzer.

Why flow charts?

Who needs flow charts and why they are ideal in software development.

License certificate

License certificates are now available on paper.

April 2013

Project Analyzer v10.1 – VB2012 & Office 2013 update

Project Analyzer v10.1 has been released. The new version adds support for Visual Basic 2012 and Office 2013 VBA code analysis. New features include detection of dead line labels and unused or undefined compiler constants. Reporting improvements include quality assessment, bad fix probability, object-orientedness metrics and work effort estimate. Project Analyzer supports all major Visual Basic versions. It runs on Windows 8 or earlier.

March 2013

Visustin v7 compatible with Office 2013

Export flow charts to Visio 2013, Word 2013 and PowerPoint 2013. The automated flow chart generator Visustin v7 is now fully compatible with Office 2013, plus earlier versions too.

Flowcharting service

Have your source code flowcharted as a service. Receive complete documentation of your program.

February 2013

Visustin v7.03 supports Windows 8

Generate flow-charts on Windows 8. Support for Windows 8 is now available in Visustin v7.

Eval v1.02 update

Eval has received a documentation update. No changes in functionality.

January 2013

Project Analyzer v10.0.07 fix release

Project Analyzer v10.0.07 has been released. This is a minor update, a bug fix release, and it's free for existing users of v10. It fixes a bug with the code review rule "Magic number found".

December 2012

VB Watch v2 new low prices

Affordable debugging and profiling. New prices for VB Watch: Standard Edition $249, Enterprise Edition $499. VB Watch is a Visual Basic profiler, debugger and error handling tool. Increase the quality, stability and performance of your Visual Basic programs.

November 2012

DOS and Windows codepages (and their history)

DOS and Windows have supported numerous character sets. This article shows their current and historical versions and compares codepages to each other.

Visustin v7 released with new flow chart options

Visustin v7 converts source code to flow charts in 43 programming languages. Control chart appearance and colors with new options. Support for ABAP, ActionScript, Batch files, Ruby, Tcl and Unix shell scripts has been added. Syntax updates ensure support for the newest features of existing languages. Supports high-density displays.

PDP-11 support available in custom Visustin

Add PDP-11/MACRO-11 assembler support to Visustin as a custom language.

October 2012

Project Analyzer v10.0.06 supports high-density displays

Project Analyzer and VBA Plug now support new high-density displays. Text clipping problems in some dialogs have been fixed, notably in Windows 7 running with font setting "Larger 150%". Project Analyzer and VBA Plug now run with Microsoft Sans Serif, a font with a smoother look and feel on ClearType enabled systems. Download this update to make text display problems go away.

Conversion service for Visual Basic, VB.Net and QuickBASIC

Got old source code that no longer opens up? Want to migrate to a newer Visual Basic? Let us help. Have us convert your VB1, VB2 and VB3 projects to VB6, upgrade your VB6 code to VB.Net, or convert your binary QuickBASIC files to text. (service discontinued in 2015)

September 2012

Codepages: Comprehensive list

A comprehensive list of codepages including all IBM, Microsoft and Mac codepages, as well as additional character sets.

7-bit character sets

ASCII, ISO 646 and IA5 are well-known 128-character sets that are fundamental to computing. Several versions of these standards were released in the past. This article discusses the history of ASCII and related national 7-bit character sets as well as the differences between their versions. Character tables are included.

August 2012

ooRexx flowcharting available in Visustin

Add ooRexx support to Visustin as a custom language.

Ascii7 available for JavaScript

Convert Unicode text to 7-bit ASCII in JavaScript. (discontinued in March 2013)

May 2012

Visustin v6 Pro Premium available

Visustin is now available with a Pro Premium license. Add upgrade protection, activation guarantee and priority support. Get the most out of your flow chart generator!

History of Aivosto

Aivosto celebrates 15 years in business.

March 2012

Ascii7 converts Unicode text to ASCII

Ascii7 is a Unicode-to-ASCII conversion module for programmers. It converts any Unicode string to 7-bit ASCII preserving information. Drop diacritics. Remove accents and umlauts. Replace special symbols with pure ASCII. Convert Cyrillic and Greek letters to their Latin equivalents. Ascii7 is an easy way to support good Unicode-to-ASCII conversion in your own applications. (discontinued in March 2013)

October 2011

Control characters in ASCII and Unicode

Tens of odd control characters appear in ASCII and Unicode charts. CR, LF, ESC, CAN... what are all these codes for? Should I care about them? This is an in-depth look into control characters in ASCII and its descendants, including Unicode, ANSI and ISO standards.

Number list

A list of decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal, ternary, quaternary and dozenal numbers.

September 2011

Visustin: Educational price available

Aivosto offers special pricing to students, faculty and staff. The software is identical to the regular full version. Special license terms apply. Now available: Visustin v6 Standard Educational.

August 2011

Flow chart symbols

Flow charts are a useful tool for software documentation. This article introduces flow chart symbols for source code visualization. These symbols let you visualize the structure of a function, statement by statement.

March 2011

Visustin v6.10 flowcharts Visual Basic 2010

Visustin has received a syntax update. Flowchart the latest and greatest language features of Visual Basic 2010, Matlab 7.11, NASM 2.09 and Perl 5.12. Option to export flow charts to Visio 2010.

December 2010

Data types in VB and .NET

This is a technical look into the numeric data types supported by classic Visual Basic, VBA, VB.NET and the .NET framework. Surprising peculiarities and a data type conversion diagram are included.

Reduce errors with parameters

Many programming errors are related to improper use of procedure parameters. Declare parameters properly in order to avoid unnecessary errors in your Visual Basic programs.

November 2010

Project Analyzer v10 reveals rotten logic in Visual Basic code

Programming errors are inevitable. How to find errors before users do it? Project Analyzer v10 reveals questionable logic in Visual Basic programs: Loops that don't loop, conditionals that execute unconditionally, parameter values being inadvertently overwritten, read instructions not preceded by a write, write instructions not followed by a read, unreachable lines, inaccurate constants, ... Keep the users happy by fixing your code in advance. Other improvements include support for Visual Basic 2010 and Office 2010 VBA, and .NET assembly analysis.

May 2010

Mainframes: Analyzing IBM legacy systems

To maintain, migrate or rewrite existing legacy system one needs to understand their structure and functionality. Gathering in-depth knowledge on existing complex, potentially undocumented code takes time without proper tools.

March 2010

Optimize string handling in VB6 - Part III

Processing strings with Visual Basic 6.0 can get considerably faster if you know the tricks. Part III of this article studies the performance of Left$, Mid$ and Right$ in detail. We learn to quickly examine individual characters with Asc and AscW. We check out the differences between Asc/AscW and Chr/ChrW. We also see how a badly placed pair of extra parentheses can degrade performance.

February 2010

Visustin v6 creates PDF flow charts from 36 programming languages

Flowchart your most complex files with Visustin v6. Or just individual functions. Create PDF flow charts or print in high quality. The new version adds support for JCL, Matlab, PL/I, Rexx and SAS. Visustin v6 includes a syntax update for 19 languages. It supports latest syntax features and statements. The syntax update covers Visual Studio 2008, including VB2008 and C# 3.0 with LINQ.

Optimize PDF files - Part II [article]

Your applications can write incredibly small PDF files if you know what you're doing. Users expecting multimegabyte PDFs will be pleased to find out your application requires only tens of kilobytes, even just a few kilobytes, for a simple PDF report.

January 2010

Project Analyzer v9.0.09: Overflow crash fixed. Download new version.

An important bug fix is available for Project Analyzer. An overflow error and crash could occur at startup. The bug only occurred on certain computers. If Project Analyzer crashed on you without ever starting up, please download the new version. If Project Analyzer starts up on your machine normally, it is not necessary to download this update.

Project Analyzer v9.0.08 minor update available

Welcome year 2010 and Project Analyzer v9.0.08. Improvements involve the Need report, Option Private Module (VBA), Partial Private Sub (VB.NET) and REM (VB.NET). The update is a free download for existing users of Project Analyzer v9.

October 2009

Privacy policy updated

Your privacy is important. Aivosto has released an updated privacy policy.

Project Analyzer v9.0.07 minor update available

Project Analyzer has been updated to v9.0.07. This version provides improves analysis of large systems and creates optimized PDF reports. Several bugs and crashes have also been fixed. The update is a free download for existing users of Project Analyzer v9.

September 2009

CodeSMART discontinued

CodeSMART is no longer available from Aivosto starting 1 October 2009.

Source+ discontinued

Source+ 2000 is no longer available from Aivosto starting 1 October 2009.

April 2009

RegExpr documentation updated

RegExpr v1.12 has been updated with Online Help and documentation in HTML Help format. Documentation is now compatible with Windows Vista too. Previous functionality has been preserved, no new features or fixes at this time.

February 2009

ActiveXplorer sale: 50% off

ActiveXplorer v4 is now available for half the previous price.

CodeSMART 2009 for VB6 released

The VB6 version of CodeSMART has been updated to version 2009.

January 2009

Visustin v5.02

Maintenance release with fixes for COBOL, VB, ASP, LotusScript, Python and Windows Vista.

November 2008

Image formats compared [article]

This article compares common image file formats from a software developer's perspective. Which format is the best for my job? Which format produces the smallest files?

Optimize PDF files [article]

Large PDF files are slow to download and they consume too much bandwidth. Create smaller PDF files by following a few easy rules. You can possibly decrease the size of PDF files by several hundreds of kilobytes.

October 2008

Find hidden VB flaws with Project Analyzer v9

Locate errors and omissions before they turn into a nightmare on the users' machines! Project Analyzer v9 is an automated Visual Basic code review system. It helps you locate problematic functions and bad logic in your applications. Over 250 code review rules examine your code thoroughly to find lines that don't make perfect sense. Unnecessary and missing branches. Unconditional decisions. Partially unused code. Bad class design. Improperly chosen variables. Incomplete declarations. Incorrect use of Enums. Save money by fixing bugs and preventing new ones from getting born!

September 2008

CodeSMART 2009 released

CodeSMART 2009 for VS.NET is a Visual Studio add-in for VB.NET, C# and C++ developers. The new version improves on XAML.

January 2008

Visustin v5.01

First maintenance release. Some bug fixes for C#, XSLT and Editor.

Project Analyzer v8.1.02

First bug fix update since initial release in March 2007. A couple of minor fixes.

November 2007

Draw and edit flow charts with Visustin v5

Draw flow charts—or generate them from your source code! Visustin v5 is a tool that visualizes your programs as flow charts. In addition to automated flowcharting, the built-in Visustin Editor lets you draw and edit flow charts manually. Design complex systems. Understand legacy projects. Document decision processes and workflows. The new Visustin v5 can run fully automated flowcharting jobs. You can integrate flowcharting as a part of your application's build process to keep technical documentation always up-to-date.

August 2007

VB Watch v2.0.10 runs on Windows Vista

Support for Windows Vista has been added to VB Watch, the error handling, profiling and debugging tool for Visual Basic 6.

June 2007

Analyze C# code with CodeSMART 2007

Review your C# solution for dead code, optimization flaws and coding standard infringements. Set User Interface standards. Enforce commenting standards. Find references. Write better code faster with this Visual Studio .NET productivity add-in.

March 2007

Print VB code with Project Analyzer v8.1

Print your Visual Basic source code in color and in multiple columns. Analyze Office 2007 VBA code. Find recursive procedures. Diagram your VB programs with Visio 2007.

February 2007

Visustin v4.03 exports to Visio 2007

Visustin can now export flow charts and UML style activity diagrams to the new Microsoft Visio 2007.

January 2007

Optimize string handling in VB6 - Part II [article]

Make your Visual Basic apps process text fast as lightning. Part II of this article dives deep into the performance of the VB6 String functions. We learn the functions to use and the ones to avoid. We also learn how to call the Windows Unicode API functions and how to build really, really huge strings without crashing our VB6 apps.

User Interface bug tests [article]

Test your Windows applications for common bugs in the User Interface (UI). This article shows 10 ways to find nasty bugs.

VB InStr [article]

InStr is a powerful VB string function. It's the perfect way to search and test strings in robust Visual Basic applications. This article shows how to call InStr to perform advanced text processing tasks quickly. The article also discusses case insensitivity, vbTextCompare, Option Compare Text and InStr related bugs.

November 2006

Press room opened

Press releases about Aivosto tools.

Visustin v4 builds UML style Activity Diagrams

Visustin shows your code as activity diagrams and flow charts. The new version flowcharts 29 programming languages, including Visual Studio 2005, assembler, Clipper, LotusScript, PowerScript, PureBasic, Python, REALbasic and Visual FoxPro. Visustin exports flow charts to PowerPoint and Word and creates Visio diagrams automatically.

RegExpr for VB/VBA: New lower price

Use regular expressions in Visual Basic 6.0. RegExpr for VB adds powerful string search and replace capabilities to VB6. New price: $99 (was $129).

September 2006

Optimize loops [article]

Loops make programs run slowly. A few unoptimal lines can make an app run at a snail's pace. This article presents performance tricks for squeezing the max speed out of your code. The focus is on processing data arrays in loops. We restructure loops, rebuild function calls, fine-tune conditionals, choose fast operators, pre-calculate values and access arrays the proper way.

August 2006

CodeSMART 2007 analyzes VB6 forms

CodeSMART has been updated to analyze VB6 forms and controls. Its Designer Analyzer detects inconsistencies with the user interface of your application. Other improvements include a handy tool to add/remove line numbering.

CodeSMART G2 new low prices

Now it's a great time to invest in a Visual Studio add-in that will pay back many times. CodeSMART G2 is now only $189 (was $249). The CodeSMART G2 PACK is down to $295 only (was $349). G2 is a Visual Studio .NET add-in and the PACK covers both VB6 and Visual Studio .NET. With CodeSMART you code faster and smarter in all of C#, C++ and VB.

Project Analyzer tutorial in Finnish

The Project Analyzer tutorial is now available in the Finnish language.

April 2006

Release checklist for programs [article]

This article presents a code review checklist to go through before releasing a program to users.

March 2006

RSS feed available

Stay up-to-date on what's new at Aivosto.com by subscribing to our RSS feed. (feed closed in 2018)

Free VB analysis service updated

We will analyze your VB application free of charge. The free analysis offer has been updated to include more reports, such as dead code statistics and file dependency reports.

February 2006

Project Analyzer v8 analyzes VB 2005

Visualize your VB system with Enterprise Diagrams and Visio. Find reusable subsystems, bad non-cohesive classes, 'out' parameters, unnecessary ByRef, unset function return values, variables never written, unused Type fields, dead Enum constants, ... or use the 180 software metrics it reports on your code.

Visustin v3.1 connects with Project Analyzer

Visustin lets you flowchart VB functions directly from Project Analyzer. Just press Shift+F5 in Project Analyzer to run Visustin.

Save memory [article]

Make your programs use less memory without sacrificing their functionality. This article shows a number of tricks to preserve RAM while your program runs.

December 2005


CodeSMART adds support for Visual Studio 2005.

March 2005

CodeSMART 2005

Productivity add-in for VB6 and Visual Studio .NET.

February 2005

Visustin v3 creates large flow charts

Create flow charts for ASP, JSP, PHP and Fortran. Full file visualization for all languages. Bulk flowchart. Export to Visio 2002/2003. Save as Visio document. Robust large chart functionality with zoom, overview panel and mouse wheel. Save as GIF, HTML+GIF and MHT.

Dead code detection and removal [article]

Increase quality, decrease files and save money by removing unused, dead code.

October 2004

Legacy code analysis

Cross-references, call trees, called-by lists, flowcharts and metrics are useful techniques for understanding existing legacy applications.

Counting the statements

To measure the size of an application and to evaluate the work done, count the statements, not the lines.

September 2004

VBA Plug analyzes Visual Basic for Applications

VBA Plug enables Project Analyzer to read Office VBA code.

SQLifter for VB6

SQLifter finds the SQL in a Visual Basic 6.0 project. Understand how your VB6 system uses SQL databases. View the exact SQL used. View the SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE locations. Determine where table X is being used in VB. Track down the use of tables and views. (discontinued in 2005)

June 2004

ClearSQL released

Edit, format and analyze Oracle PL/SQL scripts. (discontinued in 2005)

February 2004

Eval 1.01 is available at a lower new price and with updated license terms.

RegExpr 1.12 is available at a lower new price and with a performance boost.

Visustin v2 exports flow charts to Visio

The new version exports diagrams to Visio and saves images as EMF, WMF or HTML. It can flowchart Perl, T-SQL, PL/SQL and Ada. Other new features include Print Preview and multi-procedure visualization.

January 2004

VB error handling

Turn run-time errors to your benefit! What are the best practices for an error handling scheme for a robust VB application?

How not to optimize in Visual Basic

Optimizing Visual Basic code can be fun or tedious, depending on the way you look at it. Here are some pitfalls to avoid when optimizing.

December 2003

Free code analysis service available for VB

The service was discontinued in 2018.

August 2003

Project Analyzer v7.0 released. Analyze VB.NET 2003, DLLs and string literals. Find duplicate code blocks, dead controls, semi-dead code and mistakes in class design. New ways to use metrics.

July 2003

VB Watch v2

Major upgrade with powerful features for profiling, testing, debugging and error handling.

March 2003

CodeSMART 2003

New add-in for Visual Studio .NET available.

Visustin v1.2 gets new languages

The new version adds flow charts for Pascal/Delphi and COBOL, and introduces many smaller improvements.

Refactoring tools

Refactoring means modifying existing source code in a structured and incremental way. This article suggests tools for refactoring.

Project manager's toolbox

Reduce development time. Increase team communication. Reuse and modify existing code. Create optimized programs. Enforce standards. Ensure covering tests. Produce complete and correct documentation. Manage maintenance efforts. This article shows how Aivosto tools can help you achieve these tasks.

VBShop dropped from web site name. From this point on, Aivosto's VBShop has simply been Aivosto.

February 2003

Visustin - New flow chart generator

Visualize your code with flow charts. Understand existing code. Review algorithms. Verify correctness of program logic. Document complex procedures. VB, VB.NET, VBA, C/C++, C#, Java, JavaScript.

ActiveXplorer v4 adds .NET support

Analyze binary files, COM libraries and .NET assemblies. Inspect unknown libraries. Generate HTML Help docs for your own components - no need for manual writing! Review file dependencies and registry entries.

January 2003

Project Analyzer v6.2 ensures proper clearing of object variables and adds a number of other code review rules. The Project Graph add-in now displays form show trees and control/data flow graphs.

December 2002

RegExpr v1.10

Optimized version of the regular expressions module.

November 2002

Writing comments in Visual Basic code

Comments are an ideal way to document source code. We present a lightweight comment format that is easy to learn, clear to read and powerful in describing procedures and modules. It also allows automatic document generation by a source code analyzer.

Optimize string handling

String handling in Visual Basic is slow if done the wrong way. You can add significant performance to string operations by following a few easy tricks.

Regular expressions - An introduction

Regular expressions are a pattern matching standard for string parsing and replacement. Originally missing in Visual Basic, regular expressions are now available for most VB and VBA versions.

September 2002

Restructuring Visual Basic code

You can greatly improve the quality of existing code by restructuring it. This article shows how to arrange code in logical modules and classes, group related functions and data together, and use scope rules to achieve better legibility and maintainability.

Project Analyzer v6.1.05 adds functionality to the Project Graph add-in. Project Graph now allows you to write documents with great flexibility. Save the graphs as bitmap files or metafiles, or copy & paste them to your favorite word processor.

August 2002

Project Analyzer v6.1 released. The Enterprise Edition now analyzes .vbg and .sln files, several projects together, and the use of COM files in VB code.

May 2002

Project Analyzer v6.0 released with .NET support. Now supporting all VB versions from 3.0 to 6.0 and .NET.

Studio Complete released. Coding turbo for Visual Studio .NET. This add-in completes code as you write it. (discontinued in 2014)

March 2002

Project Analyzer v5.4.09 available for download. The newest features include "Comments only" source code document generation in Project Printer, VB.NET Compatibility Check update to reflect a few changes in the official release version of VB.NET, and bug fixes.

CodeSMART 2001 FixPack 4 available for download, including several fixes.

November 2001

ActiveXplorer v3 makes HTML Help. Compare files between computers. Peek into ActiveX files and document them as RTF or HTML Help. Clean the system registry. Major new version with new functionality.

EasyPatch 2001 squeezes your updates. Generate and distribute updated files as small patches. The new EasyPatch tool makes patch file generation quick and painless. (discontinued in 2003)

September 2001

10 steps to migrate existing code to VB.NET. Migrating existing VB code to Visual Basic .NET is not just a matter of loading it to the new version. It is essential to work on your code before you open it in VB.NET.

Project Analyzer v5.4.03 Enterprise Edition adds 20 new checks in VB.NET Compatibility Check.

May 2001

Project Analyzer v5.4 Enterprise Edition adds VB.NET Compatibility Check.

CodeSMART 2001 gets lots of new features.

April 2001

ActiveXplorer v2 adds support for ActiveX DLL and EXE servers, deletion of misbehaved components, file compare and HTML reports. Escape from DLL Hell faster than ever!

March 2001

Aivosto CD introduced for backup and demo purposes. (discontinued in 2003)

Project Analyzer Enterprise Edition comes as both team and site license. Make your EXEs small by removing the unnecessary bits automatically.

January 2001

Project Analyzer Enterprise Edition adds problem auto-fix and dead code auto-removal, plus macro language.

EasyAPI lets you call the Windows API like a pro. (discontinued in 2011)

VB Friend 2.0 adds features to write more code in less time. Complete missing code, auto-correct, backup, and get more desktop space.

ActiveXplorer 1.1 adds ActiveX file analysis, document generation, backup, and scripting. Escape from DLL Hell today!

November 2000

ActiveXplorer sees daylight. ActiveXplorer lets you view and manage all ActiveX controls installed on your system. (discontinued in 2015)

Aivosto releases major web site face lift. Web site name changed from VBShop – The Visual Basic Shop to Aivosto's VBShop.

September 2000

Source+ 2000 - new source code library. (sales discontinued in 2009)

July 2000

VB Watch 1.0 released. Take cover from run-time errors, debug your executables and profile your code!

April 2000

VB Friend 1.1 adds a string completion feature that makes coding faster than ever.

March 2000

Project Analyzer 5.2. New version with new reports and Project NameCheck add-in.

January 2000

CodeSMART add-in. New software for the new millennium! (sales discontinued in 2009)

A few picks from the news before 2000.

September 1999

VB Friend - the friend that adds your productivity. (discontinued in 2024)

February 1998

Eval for VB released. Eval is a constant expression evaluator library. (discontinued in 2018)

January 1998

RegExpr for VB was released. RegExpr is a regular expression library.

WWW ordering was introduced as a new payment option. Prior to this, customers used a special program to make online payments.

June 1997

VBShop moved to a new address, www.aivosto.com.

May 1997

Aivosto Oy, a new company, starts running VBShop at www.aivosto.com.

Events prior to founding Aivosto.

October 1996

VBShop moved to a new server. The web site was titled VBShop – The Visual Basic Shop. It focused solely on Visual Basic tools.

March 1995

VBShop (Virtual Business Shop) went online on the World Wide Web. VBShop was initially an experimental webstore for digital goods. The goods included a few programming tools for Visual Basic. Read more in the History of Aivosto.

February 1995

Project Analyzer 1.0 released as shareware for Visual Basic 3.0.

History of Aivosto

Press room