Number list
This page lists decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal numbers. In addition, the page lists numbers in several unusual number systems: unary (base-1), ternary (or trinary, base-3), quaternary (base-4), quinary (base-5), senary (base-6), septenary (base-7), undecimal (base-11), dozenal (or duodecimal, base-12), vicesimal (base-20) and hexatrigesimal (base-36). BCD numbers and bijective bases are also covered.
Decimal (base-10), binary (base-2), octal (base-8) and hexadecimal (base-16) numbers are commonly used in computing. Binary coded digitals (BCD) have also been used in computing. The other number systems are far less common.
Dec, Bin, Oct and Hex
Base | System | Digits |
10 | Decimal (dec) | 0123456789 |
2 | Binary (bin) | 01 |
8 | Octal (oct) | 01234567 |
16 | Hexadecimal (hex) | 0123456789 |
Binary numbers can be written as 11111111b
or 11111111'b
. For clarity, binary numbers can be grouped. On this page, the groups are 4 bits each. Octals are often written with a zero prefix (07777
). Hexadecimal numbers can be written in several ways: 0xFF
, \xFF
, &HFF
, $FF
, FFh
0 to in decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal.
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Base-3 to Base-7
Base | System | Digits |
3 | Ternary or trinary | 012 |
4 | Quaternary | 0123 |
5 | Quinary | 01234 |
6 | Senary | 012345 |
7 | Septenary | 0123456 |
0 to in base-3, base-4, base-5, base-6 and base-7.
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Base-11, 12, 20 and 36
Base | System | Digits | |||
11 | Undecimal | 0123456789A | |||
12 | Dozenal or duodecimal | 0123456789AB | |||
20 | Vicesimal | 012345678936 | Hexatrigesimal | 0123456789 | |
0 to in base-11, base-12, base-20 and base-36.
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Unary Numbers
Base | System | Digits |
1 | Unary | 1 |
0 to in decimal and unary.
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Binary Coded Decimal
Base | System | Digits |
2 | Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) | 01 |
2 | Binary | 01 |
Binary Coded Decimal represents each decimal digit in 4 bits. BCD comes in several variants. This variant is known as Simple BCD or BCD 8421.
0 to in BCD and regular binary.
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Bijective Bases
Base | System | Digits |
2 | Bijective base-2 | 12 |
10 | Bijective base-10 | 123456789A |
26 | Bijective base-26 | A-Z |
In bijective bases there is no zero digit. Excel uses bijective base-26 for column names.
0 to in bijective bases.
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