Visustin – File format specifications

This page documents extended file formats used by Visustin. It is intended for developers planning to programmatically read the image files created by Visustin, or to save images to open them with Visustin.

Visustin supports extended GIF, PNG and TIFF image file formats. The extended file formats store metadata about the flow chart images. The stored information includes flow chart title, creation date and flow chart metrics.

Source code could optionally be saved in .code.gif, .code.png and .code.tif files by Visustin v4–v6. Starting with Visustin v7.0, this is no longer possible. Existing files can still be read. The specifications marked with † are considered legacy starting with Visustin v7.0.

A Visustin Editor flow chart could optionally be embedded in .flw.png files by Visustin v5–v7. Starting with Visustin v8.0, this is no longer possible. Existing files can still be read. The specifications marked with †† are considered legacy starting with Visustin v7.0.

Visustin v8 extended file formats
Format Image only Image+code † Editable image Number of images
Extended PNG .png .code.png † .flw.png †† 1
Extended GIF .gif .code.gif † 1 (or many †††)
Extended TIFF .tif .code.tif † 1 or many

† Legacy format starting with Visustin v7. †† Legacy format starting with Visustin v8. ††† Visustin v4–v5 allowed saving of several images into a single .gif file.

The extended file formats are fully standards compatible. Other applications will read and display the images, but not the extra data in them.

PNG with Visustin Editor flow chart (.flw.png) ††
This legacy format extends the PNG flow chart image by embedding an editable .flw flow chart file in it. Open the file with Visustin to edit the chart.
PNG with source code (.code.png) †
This legacy format extended the PNG flow chart image by adding the original source code in the file. Open the file with Visustin to view the code. Other imaging applications may be able to display the code if they support standard PNG text fields.
GIF with source code (.code.gif) †
This legacy format extended the GIF flow chart image by adding the original source code in the file. Open the file with Visustin to view the code.
TIFF with source code (.code.tif) †
This legacy format extended the TIFF flow chart image by adding the original source code in the file. Open the file with Visustin to view the code.

Privacy note: The .code.* files contain source code. Do not distribute them if you do not wish to share the code.

Technical specifications

The following is a detailed technical description of the Visustin extended PNG, GIF and TIFF file formats. It is intended for developers planning to programmatically read the image files created by Visustin, or to save images to open them with Visustin.

Visustin extended PNG format

.png, .code.png and .flw.png

Visustin extends the PNG file format by using the PNG standard "text chunk" mechanism to store information about the flow chart image. The extension was defined by Visustin v4.0 and extended by Visustin v5.0.

Text chunks are a standard way to store textual information about the PNG image. Visustin uses 4 standard keywords and some extended Visustin-specific keywords. Applications not supporting these keywords will simply ignore them, making the extension compatible with all standards compliant PNG applications.

Standard keywordDescriptionChunk saved
TitleTitle of imagetEXt/iTXt
DescriptionDescription of imagetEXt/iTXt
SoftwareSoftware used to create the imagetEXt
Creation TimeDate savedtEXt
Extended keywordDescriptionChunk saved
SourceCodeLanguageLanguage of source code (see language codes)tEXt
CyclomaticComplexityMcCabe cyclomatic complexity number V(G).tEXt
LinksTotal number of links (graph edge count).tEXt
ShapesTotal number of graph shapes (graph node count).tEXt
SourceCodeLinesNumber of physical source code lines the graph was created from.tEXt
Extended keyword (.code.png)DescriptionChunk saved
SourceCode †Source code from which the image was createdtEXt/iTXt
SourceCodeCharset †Windows character set for the display of SourceCode (integer 0-255)tEXt
SourceCodeFile †Path and file name of source code file the image was created from, if knowntEXt/iTXt
SourceCodeDate †Date the source code was last modified, if knowntEXt

† Legacy field, saved in .code.png files only (Visustin v4–v6).
Visustin Editor only saves Description, Software and Creation Time.

Text chunks. Visustin saves uncompressed tEXt (plain text) and iTXt (international text) chunks. A regular tEXt chunk is saved when it is possible to represent the text in the ISO-Latin-1 character set (ISO 8859-1). An iTXt chunk is saved when the text contains other characters. When loading a PNG file, tEXt and iTXt chunks are accepted equally.

Dates are stored in the RFC 1123 date format (d mon yyyy hh:mm:ss zzz) using the local time zone. Example: 18 Sep 2006 12:34:56 +0300.

Metrics CyclomaticComplexity, Links, Shapes and SourceCodeLines are stored as non-negative integer values. A missing field indicates a missing value. Metrics details

Change history

PNG flOw chunk ††

†† Legacy block used in .flw.png files only (Visustin v5–v7)

To store flow chart editor information (for Visustin Editor), Visustin stored a private flOw chunk in a PNG file. The string "flOw" (66h 6Ch 4Fh 77h) indicates a private non-critical safe-to-copy chunk type in PNG. The following table describes the flOw Chunk Data.

Identifier8"FLOWEDIT"8 ASCII characters.
Application Authentication Code301h x xVersion and checksum (see authentication code)
Data bytes
ImageCRC432-bit integerCRC-32 of IDAT chunks when FLOWEDIT block was saved. ImageCRC is calculated exactly the same way as chunk CRC-32 in PNG, but this checksum is calculated over all IDAT chunks, not just one chunk. If ImageCRC differs from CRC-32 of IDAT chunks, the image was modified after the flow chart data was saved. If only one IDAT chunk exists, ImageCRC equals its CRC field.
Flags1Bit flagsBit 0: 0 = ImageCRC not set, 1 = ImageCRC is set.
Other bits are reserved, set to zero.
Compression1Unsigned ByteCompression of field FCData.
0 = uncompressed
1 = zlib compressed (inflate/deflate, the same method as used in PNG elsewhere)
other = reserved, incompatible
FCMajor1Unsigned ByteFlow chart compatibility version (5).
FCMinor1Unsigned ByteFlow chart sub-version (1).
FCLength432-bit integerFCData field size (number of bytes). Acceptable values: 0 to 231-1.
FCLengthUnc432-bit integerFCData field size when uncompressed (number of bytes). Equals FCLength if no compression is used. Acceptable values: 0 to 231-1.
FCData<FCLength>binary dataFlow chart data in Lassalle AddFlow.ocx v5.4 .flw file format, either uncompressed or zlib compressed.

5.0 = Visustin v5.0 flow chart.
5.1 = Visustin v6.x flow chart.
5.2 = Visustin v7.x flow chart.
5.x = Visustin v5.0/v6.x/v7.x compatible flow chart.
Any other: Not compatible with Visustin v5.0/v6.x/v7.x.

Byte order. All data in the flOw chunk is in Intel byte order, even though the rest of the PNG file is in network byte order.

flOw chunk size is 11+16+FCLength bytes at a minimum. Read applications must discard bytes after the FCData field to allow for possible future expansion of the data format.

An imaging application that changes the PNG file can leave the flOw block intact without affecting the contents of the data. In this case, however, the flow chart may not resemble the image any more. The ImageCRC field can be used to detect this change.

Visustin extended GIF format

Visustin extends the GIF file format by using the GIF89a standard "application extension block" mechanism to store extra information about the flow chart image(s).

Application extension blocks are a standard way to add extra information into GIF89a files. Visustin defines 2 application extension blocks with information about flow charts and source code. Applications not supporting these blocks will simply skip over them, making the extension downward compatible with existing applications. The extension blocks were defined by Visustin v4.0 and extended by Visustin v5.0 and v6.0.

GIF FLOWIMG block – Image information

.gif and .code.gif

A FLOWIMG block stores information about the flow chart image. This block is optional. When present in the GIF file, it applies to the image (<Graphic Block>) that follows next. A GIF file can contain any number of FLOWIMG blocks, but a maximum of one per each image. Visustin saves FLOWIMG blocks in both .gif and .code.gif files.

Introducer121hExtension Introducer
Label1FFhApplication Extension Label
Size10BhBlock Size (11 bytes)
Application Identifier8"FLOWIMG "8 characters, last character is a space.
Application Authentication Code303h x xVersion and checksum (see authentication code)
Data sub-blocksOne or more GIF data sub-blocks containing the following fields
Creation Date432-bit integerDate the image was created. Stored as the number of days passed since 1899-12-30. Zero if unknown. Negative value is error.
TitlenZero-terminated UTF-8 stringTitle of image. Zero-length string if unknown.
SourceCodeLanguagenZero-terminated UTF-8 stringLanguage of source code (see language codes)
Creation Time4packed, see belowTime of day the image was created. Specific format, see below.
CyclomaticComplexity432-bit integerMcCabe cyclomatic complexity number V(G). Negative if unknown.
Links432-bit integerTotal number of links (graph edge count). Negative if unknown.
Shapes432-bit integerTotal number of graph shapes (graph node count). Negative if unknown.
SourceCodeLines432-bit integerNumber of physical source code lines the graph was created from. Negative if unknown.
SoftwarenZero-terminated UTF-8 stringSoftware used to create the image.
1=flow chart
2=UML Activity Diagram

Change note. Version 01h format (Visustin v4) included fields up to SourceCodeLanguage. Version 02h format (Visustin v5) included 5 new fields: CreationTime, CyclomaticComplexity, Links, Shapes, SourceCodeLines. Version 03h format (Visustin v6–) includes 2 new fields: Software and ChartType.

GIF FLOWSRC block – Source code information †

† Legacy block used in .code.gif files only (Visustin v4–v6)

A FLOWSRC block stores information about the source code of the flow chart. This block is optional. When present in the GIF file, it applies to the image (<Graphic Block>) that follows next. A GIF file can contain any number of FLOWSRC blocks, but a maximum of one per each image. Visustin saves FLOWSRC blocks in .code.gif files but not regular .gif files.

Introducer121hExtension Introducer
Label1FFhApplication Extension Label
Size10BhBlock Size (11 bytes)
Application Identifier8"FLOWSRC "8 characters, last character is a space.
Application Authentication Code302h x xVersion and checksum (see authentication code)
Data sub-blocksOne or more GIF data sub-blocks containing the following fields
SourceCodeDate432-bit integerDate the source code was last modified. Stored as the number of days passed since 1899-12-30. Zero if unknown. Negative value is error.
SourceCodeFilenZero-terminated UTF-8 stringPath and file name of source code file the image was created from. Zero-length string if unknown.
SourceCodenZero-terminated UTF-8 stringSource code from which the image was created
SourceCodeTime4packed, see belowTime of day the source code was last modified. Specific format, see below.
SourceCodeCharset1ByteWindows character set for the display of SourceCode. 1 if unknown.

Change note. Version 01h format (Visustin v4) included fields up to SourceCode. Version 02h format (Visustin v5–v6) also included fields SourceCodeTime and SourceCodeCharset.


Date fields express days passed since 1899-12-30, relative to local time. A zero value indicates unknown date. Dates are stored as a positive 32-bit long integer. The acceptable range is 1..2958465, which express dates 1899-12-31 until 9999-12-31. Other values should be treated as unknown date.

Time fields represent local time with optional time zone packed in a 32-bit integer:

GIF time field structure
Field Reserved Validity Time zone direction Time zone Local time
Contents 0 1 = time is given

0 = time not given

1 = ahead of UTC (+)

0 = behind UTC (-)

Difference to UTC in minutes
Seconds since midnight
Data format - Bit flag Bit flag Unsigned 11-bit integer Unsigned 17-bit integer

The time zone is expressed as difference in minutes to UTC. As an example, +0 = UTC, +60=UTC+1 hour, +840=UTC+14 hours. -0 represents undefined time zone, used for storing local time only. An unknown time is represented by setting all bits (31..0) to zero.

Text fields are stored as variable-length zero-terminated UTF-8 strings. A zero-length text field (containing only the zero-terminator byte) indicates unknown data.

Extension. Reader applications should ignore any data that follows the last field of the block. This is reserved for possible future extension of the format.

Visustin extended TIFF format

.tif and .code.tif

Visustin extends the TIFF file format to include flow chart information inside the TIFF file.

Private tags are a standard way to extra information to TIFF 6.0 files. Applications not supporting a private tag will skip over it, making the extension compatible with existing applications. The private TIFF tag 50951 Flow chart information can exist for each image in the TIFF file. The tag points to a private Image File Directory (IFD) within the TIFF file. This extension has been defined by Visustin v5.0 and extended by Visustin v6.0.

FlowIFD pointer (Flow chart information tag)

Tag = 50951 (C707.H)
Type = LONG
Count = 1
Value = Offset in TIFF file
Default = Undefined

The tag is a pointer to a private FlowIFD. This is a private IFD having the same structure as that of the IFD specified in TIFF, but it contains private tags only. FlowIFD contains flow chart related information about the image (page) in question. In a multi-page TIFF, each FlowIFD applies to a single page only. Tags CopySource and CopyTags can extend FlowIFD data to multiple images. FlowIFD is optional; an image might not have it.

Tags used in FlowIFD
TagName Deci­mal Type Count Description
ChartType 1 BYTE 1 0=unknown
1=flow chart
2=UML Activity Diagram
SourceCode † 2 UTF-8 n Source code from which the image was created
SourceCodeCharset † 3 BYTE 1 Windows character set for the display of SourceCode (0-255)
SourceCodeDate † 4 ASCIIZ 20 Local date and time the source code was last modified.
The format is "YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS", the same as TIFF field DateTime.
SourceCodeFile † 5 UTF-8 n Path and file name of source code file the image was created from, if known
SourceCodeLanguage 6 UTF-8 n Language of source code (see language codes)
Title 7 UTF-8 n Title of image
CopySource † 8 LONG 1 Source image (page) to copy FlowIFD tags from. 0-based index.
CopyTags † 9 SHORT n Array of FlowIFD tags to copy from source image.
Metric tags
CyclomaticComplexity 101 LONG 1 McCabe cyclomatic complexity number V(G)
Links 102 LONG 1 Total number of links (graph edge count)
Shapes 103 LONG 1 Total number of shapes (graph node count)
SourceCodeLines 104 LONG 1 Number of physical source code lines

† Legacy field included in .code.tif files only (Visustin v5–v6).
Change note: Visustin v6 added fields CopySource and CopyTags.

Type. This is the data type of the tag as defined on page 15 of the TIFF 6.0 specification. An additional data type is defined as follows:

65001=UTF-8UTF-8 encoded text. The last byte must be NUL (binary zero). The value of the Count field equals the number of bytes required to store the text, including the NUL, but excluding the pad byte, if any. Each UTF-8 field contains exactly one string.

Default value. If a tag is missing, its value is unknown. If the Title tag is missing, the tag ImageDescription (270) or another tag may be used instead.

The legacy CopySource and CopyTags indicate that FlowIFD tags from another image (in the same file) apply to this image. CopySource is a 0-based image number identifying the source image. The FlowIFD tags of the source image apply to this image if they are listed in the CopyTags array. Restriction: Source image may not define its own CopySource for the same tags (no chained copy). The CopySource-CopyTags mechanism was primarily designed for .code.tif related tags marked with †. If SourceCode is copied, its meaning changes from "Source code from which the image was created" to "Source code from which these images were created".

All other tag numbers are reserved for future extension of the format. As required in TIFF, all data can be in either II or MM byte order.

TIFF 6.0 specification: TIFF Revision 6.0. Final - June 3, 1992. Adobe Developers Association.

Common definitions

FLOWEDIT, FLOWIMG and FLOWSRC Application Authentication Code

The 3-byte Application Authentication Code field contains a binary code that verifies the structure of the block.

FieldBytesData typeDescription
Version1unsigned byteVersion number of block format.
Checksum2unsigned 16-bit integerCRC-16-IBM checksum of the data (sub-block) bytes.

Version contains the block format version number. Version numbers 1..64 will be compatible with readers built using this specification. Version numbers 65..255 should be treated as incompatible and a reader application should not try to interpret the block.

Checksum is calculated from the data bytes immediately following the Checksum field until the end of the data block (FLOWIMG, FLOWSRC, FLOEDIT). In the GIF file format, the data bytes are the actual content bytes of the data sub-blocks. Data sub-block size bytes, part of the GIF89a specification, are not used as input. The checksum algorithm is CRC-16-IBM (BISYNCH). The CRC input data consists of the entire contents of the data sub-blocks. For future expansion of the block format, all the data bytes are used as input, not regarding the actual number data fields defined in this specification. That is, the data bytes possibly following the currently defined data fields are counted in the CRC as well. This ensures downward compatibility of future extensions. The CRC algorithm parameters (according to the Rocksoft™ Model CRC Algorithm) are: Width: 16, Poly: 8005, Init: 0000, RefIn: True, RefOut: True, XorOut: 0000, Check: BB3D. If there is a checksum mismatch, a reader application should assume that the block is invalid.

SourceCodeLanguage codes

The SourceCodeLanguage field (PNG, GIF, TIFF) contains an abbreviated language code denoting the original programming language of the source code. The language codes are the same as the ones Visustin accepts as the /Lang command line parameter. COBFIX means fixed COBOL code, for example.

List of language codes. Notice that the slash "/" is not part of a language code. As an example, PERL is the language code for the Perl language, while /PERL is the respective command line switch.


The following table defines the various metrics stored in the PNG, GIF and TIFF files.

FieldData typeRangeDescription
CyclomaticComplexity32-bit signed integer1..231−1McCabe cyclomatic complexity number V(G).
Links32-bit signed integer0..231−1Total number of links (graph edge count). All links are included, even those that do not look like an arrow.
Shapes32-bit signed integer0..231−1Total number of graph shapes (graph node count). There is an invisible shape at the start of a flow chart.
SourceCodeLines32-bit signed integer0..231−1Number of physical source code lines the graph was created from. This line count includes all lines, be it code, comment or blank. A line ends at a newline character. Line continuation characters are not taken into account.

For detailed information, see Metrics.

See also

Save flow charts

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