The VB Watch add-in displays its own toolbar when connected. If you can't see it, right click in another toolbar and select "VB Watch".
You may drag the toolbar to another place of your choice (drag it with the 2 lines on the left). You may also hide the toolbar by right clicking it and unchecking "VB Watch 2".
VB Watch Control Center: loads the Control Center.
Select Plan: preselects a plan to use for instrumentation.
Start Process: instruments the code according to the selected plan.
Refresh Plans: press this button if you modified manually the templates and wish to take the modifications into account.
Wizard: loads the VB Watch Wizard.
Protector/Debugger/Profiler/Console: loads the VB Watch applications.
Help: brings this help file.
Exit: unloads VB Watch from the IDE.
Purchase: gives instructions on how to purchase the full version of this product.
Basic use of the toolbar:
1. Select the plan you wish to execute
2. Press the Start button
In addition, a "VB Watch 2" menu entry is added to the VB Add-ins menu.
Show/Hide VB Toolbar: when you use this command to show or hide the toolbar, the toolbar visible state will be remembered next time you load VB.
Show Control center
Remove VB Watch Protector Code: use this command in case you wish to restore a project in its original state (works only with error handling plans). You must first load the instrumented project.
Quick Profiler: this is a helper function that loads a VB project providing a frame to compare the execution speed of two methods. The project loaded is \VB Watch 2\Templates\VB6\QuickProfile\QuickProfile.vbp.