Version history of RegExpr
RegExpr Help › Version history
Version 1.2 (March 2025)
- Improved support for {n} style quantifiers. Accept n from 0 to 999.
- Improved subexpressions: no error if more than 31 subexpressions.
- Added \z
- Added \c? (ASCII 127)
- Fixed bug with \f, which now correctly matches form feed, not line feed.
- Fixed bugs with \0 \c \t
- Fixed bugs with []..] and [^]..]
- Fixed bugs with [\D], [\S] and [\W]
- Fixed bug with ^ with reMultiline flag when Newline was not vbCrLf.
- Allow flags reSingleLine and reMultiline at the same time.
- Change of default setting: \w is [a-zA-Z0-9_] and ExtendedCharacters = False.
- Added error check for trailing \
- Dropped support for octal \0400 and higher.
- Dropped support for VB 5.0.
- Help file updated. Details documented more exactly. Fixed several errors and inaccuracies.
- License terms updated with small changes.
- The same RegExpr.bas module now works for both VB and VBA.
Documentation update v1.12 and v1.12a (May 2019)
- Documentation update: Support mobile devices.
- Minor changes in license terms, not affecting anyone's rights.
- No changes in code.
Version 1.12a (January 2014)
- Fixed error handling bug in VBA version. VBA version marked v1.12a while pure VB version is v1.12.
Documentation update v1.12 (April 2009)
- Documentation update, no changes in code
Version 1.12 (February 2004)
- Input size can now exceed 32 kB
- Speed optimizations
- Significant speed optimization if regex starts with ^
- Fixed \w with setting ExtendedCharacters=True
Version 1.1 (December 2002)
- The VB 5.0/6.0 module is lightly optimized with a 30% performance gain on average
- No new features or fixes
- VBA code stays the same as in v1.0
Version 1.0 (January 1998)
©Aivosto Oy · RegExpr Help