Customizing RegExpr

You may want to customize RegExpr.Bas to suit your needs. The (declarations) section includes a few options to set.

Compiler constants

There are a few compiler constants that can be used to customize RegExpr.Bas.

#Const ExtendedCharacters = False
' If ExtendedCharacters is False, \w matches [a-zA-Z0-9_] (standard ASCII)
' If ExtendedCharacters is True,  \w matches [a-zA-Z0-9_] and also U+00A1 .. U+00FF.

#Const HandleErrors = True
' If HandleErrors is True, errors will cause an error message to be shown
' If it's False, error handling is done by the caller

#Const DetailedErrorMessages = True
' If DetailedErrorMessages is True, error messages will include the module and function where the error happened
' If it's False, only a message will be given

NewLine constant

Const NewLine = vbCrLf
' NewLine is what \n should match
' You can set NewLine to vbCr, vbLf, vbCrLf (or vbNewLine)

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