String literal report – PicInfo sample application
Strings with context
Filename = ShowFileOpenDialog(Me.hWnd, "", "Picture files (*.gif;*.bmp)|*.gif;*.bmp")
" pixels"
Me.Size = "Size: " & PicSize.Width & " x " & PicSize.Height & " pixels"
" with dialog "
ErrMsg = "Error #" & ErrCode & " with dialog " & DialogTitle & vbCrLf & ErrMsg
" with file open dialog"
ErrMsg = "Error #" & ErrCode & " with file open dialog" & vbCrLf & ErrMsg
" x "
Me.Size = "Size: " & PicSize.Width & " x " & PicSize.Height & " pixels"
If Filename Like "*.gif" Then
.lpstrFilter = Replace(Filter, "|", vbNullChar) & vbNullChar & vbNullChar ' Filters
"Dialog box could not be created."
ErrMsg = "Dialog box could not be created."
"Error #"
ErrMsg = "Error #" & ErrCode & " with dialog " & DialogTitle & vbCrLf & ErrMsg
ErrMsg = "Error #" & ErrCode & " with file open dialog" & vbCrLf & ErrMsg
"Failed to find a resource."
ErrMsg = "Failed to find a resource."
"Failed to load a resource."
ErrMsg = "Failed to load a resource."
"Failed to load a string."
ErrMsg = "Failed to load a string."
"Failed to lock a resource."
ErrMsg = "Failed to lock a resource."
"Failure during initialization. Possibly out of memory."
ErrMsg = "Failure during initialization. Possibly out of memory."
"File name buffer too small"
ErrMsg = "File name buffer too small"
"File: "
Me.Filename = "File: " & Filename
If Signature = "GIF87a" Or Signature = "GIF89a" Then
If Signature = "GIF87a" Or Signature = "GIF89a" Then
"Hook procedure missing."
ErrMsg = "Hook procedure missing."
"Instance handle missing."
ErrMsg = "Instance handle missing."
"Internal error - invalid struct size."
ErrMsg = "Internal error - invalid struct size."
"Invalid file name."
ErrMsg = "Invalid file name."
"Max colors: "
Me.MaxColors = "Max colors: " & MaxColors
"Picture files (*.gif;*.bmp)|*.gif;*.bmp"
Filename = ShowFileOpenDialog(Me.hWnd, "", "Picture files (*.gif;*.bmp)|*.gif;*.bmp")
"Size: "
Me.Size = "Size: " & PicSize.Width & " x " & PicSize.Height & " pixels"
"Subclass failure, out of memory."
ErrMsg = "Subclass failure, out of memory."
"Template missing."
ErrMsg = "Template missing."
"Unable to allocate memory for internal dialog structures."
ErrMsg = "Unable to allocate memory for internal dialog structures."
"Unable to lock memory."
ErrMsg = "Unable to lock memory."
"Unknown error."
ErrMsg = "Unknown error."
List of all strings
with dialog
with file open dialog
Dialog box could not be created.
Error #
Failed to find a resource.
Failed to load a resource.
Failed to load a string.
Failed to lock a resource.
Failure during initialization. Possibly out of memory.
File name buffer too small
Hook procedure missing.
Instance handle missing.
Internal error - invalid struct size.
Invalid file name.
Max colors:
Picture files (*.gif;*.bmp)|*.gif;*.bmp
Subclass failure, out of memory.
Template missing.
Unable to allocate memory for internal dialog structures.
Unable to lock memory.
Unknown error.
Strings with non-ASCII content
Non-ASCII text may not display correctly under all circumstances.For maximum portability, test that non-ASCII text displays correctly on target systems.
All string literals are in plain ASCII.
Maximum portability verified.
Characters used