RegExpr tutorial

RegExpr for VB & VBA is a Visual Basic and Visual Basic for Applications code library for regular expression matching. Regular expressions are used for finding string patterns and string replacement. RegExpr brings the power of regular expressions to VB and VBA, which lack native support for them.

In order to use regular expressions, include RegExpr.Bas in your Visual Basic project. In VBA, include the RegExpr module in your document.

The RegExpr function

The main function is called RegExpr. It has the following syntax:

Public Function RegExpr(Text, RegularExpression, Optional Flags) As Boolean

RegExpr will return True if a match is found and False otherwise. The simplest use for regular expressions is to check if a string matches a given pattern.

SomeText$ = "My name is Jesse James"
If RegExpr(SomeText$, "Jesse") Then ...

The condition is True if SomeText$ includes the string Jesse. By default, regular expressions are case sensitive, so "My name is jesse james" wouldn't match the above condition. You can set Flags = reCaseInSensitive to ignore case.

So far, all this could be easily done with VB's normal "=" or Like statements. Let's now see something more sophisticated.

Special characters

Here are some (but not all) useful special characters you can use in regular expressions:

.Any single character (exception: see Flags)
*Zero or more of the last character
+One or more of the last character
?Zero or one of the last character

Characters * + and ? are called quantifiers, because they are used to tell how many of something should be matched. You can use parentheses to group things. Here are some examples:

be.rmatches e.g. bear or beer
bee?matches both be and bee
(bee)?matches both bee and an empty string
gr+matches gr, grr, grrr, grrrr etc.
argh*matches arg, argh, arghh, arghhh etc.
(argh)+matches argh, arghargh, argharghargh etc.

For example, you could use:

SomeText$ = "The dog said grrrr"
If RegExpr(SomeText$, "gr+") Then RunAwayFast

Square brackets (character classes)

Square brackets are used to match any one of the characters inside them. It's somewhat similar to the [] syntax in VB's Like statement, but there are some differences.

[abc]matches a single a, b, or c.
[abc]+matches any combination of a, b and c.

A hyphen indicates "between" in Unicode (ASCII) order.

[a-c]matches a single a, b, or c.
[c-a]is a syntax error, because c comes after a.
[a-zA-Z]matches any lower- or upper-case character in the basic Latin alphabet.

A carat at the beginning means "not":

[^z]matches any character except z
[a^z]matches a, z, or ^, because ^ doesn't start the expression inside the brackets

If you want to include ], ^ or - inside [], use the escape character: \], \^ or \-.

Some more special expressions

There are a couple of special escape sequences. Here are the most usual ones (see Syntax rules for more):

\wAny alphanumeric (word) character. By default, the same as [a-zA-Z0-9_ˇ-˙], that is, underscore, all numbers and letters including Unicode 161–255. You can fine-tune the group to your needs. See the syntax rules for details.
\dAny digit. The same as [0-9].
\sAny whitespace character: space, tab, return, line feed or newline.


\w+Any word
\d+Any non-negative integer
x\s+y"x y", with one or more whitespace characters between x and y

Another example:

Person$ = "Mrs Jones"
If RegExpr(Person$, "Mr[s]? \w+") Then
  ' The text looks like Mr or Mrs Somebody
  MsgBox "Welcome, " & Person$ & "!"
End If

Finding out what matched

Sometimes you're interested in the text that actually matched your regular expression. You can then use the RegExprResult function to find that out. At its simplest form, you can use it like this:

If RegExpr("My number is 123", "\d+") Then
  MsgBox "Your number is " & RegExprResult()
End If

For more information

Now you're through with this short tutorial and ready to read some more.

Regular expression syntax rules
VB functions in RegExpr

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